Oct 16 2019

CyberSecurity for Digital Operations

Category: cyber security,data securityDISC @ 1:09 pm


This report examines the general state of security within business today, exploring the hurdles that are preventing companies from an ideal security posture and suggesting the steps that can lead to improved security in the digital economy.

As the technology industry enters the next phase of maturity, there are more questions about the implications of emerging trends operating on a global scale. Aside from social impact ramification, utmost reliance on digital data and the sweeping collection of personal information are highlighting the critical nature of information security and privacy.

Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain, and Cybersecurity | MIT PE

Inside the CenturyLink Security Operations Center: Securing Your Digital Business

The Convergence (and Divergence) of IT and OT Cyber Security

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Oct 14 2019

The best practice guide for an effective infoSec function

Building ISMS

The best practice guide for an effective infoSec function: iTnews has put together a bit of advice from various controls including ISO 27k and NIST CSF to guide you through what’s needed to build an effective information security management system (ISMS) within your organization.

This comprehensive report is a must-have reference for executives, senior managers and folks interested in the information security management area.


Practice Guide

Open a PDF file The best practice guide for an effective infoSec function.

How to Build a Cybersecurity Program based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Beginners ultimate guide to ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems

Conducting a cybersecurity risk assessment

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Tags: isms

Oct 08 2019

The Adventures of CISO

Category: CISODISC @ 11:09 am

The Adventures of CISO Ed & Co.

7 Types of Experiences Every Security Pro Should Have

Ten Must-Have CISO Skills

What CISO does for a living

CISOs and the Quest for Cybersecurity Metrics Fit for Business

CISO’s Library

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Oct 07 2019

Top 10 Cybersecurity Writing Mistakes

Category: Cybersecurity WritingDISC @ 12:39 pm

Want to strengthen your writing in under an hour? Watch the video below to help you avoid the top 10 writing mistakes you may encounter when working as a cybersecurity professional.

Source: Top 10 Cybersecurity Writing Mistakes

Top 10 Writing Mistakes in Cybersecurity and How You Can Avoid Them

SANS Writing Course | Writing CheatSheet

Burying the Main Point – Common Cybersecurity Writing Mistakes

Overstuffing the Paragraphs – Common Cybersecurity Writing Mistakes

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Tags: Cybersecurity Writing

Oct 06 2019

A CISO’s Guide to Bolstering Cybersecurity Posture


When It Come Down To It, Cybersecurity Is All About Understanding Risk

Risk Management Framework for Information Systems

How to choose the right cybersecurity framework

Improve Cybersecurity posture by using ISO/IEC 27032

Cybersecurity Summit 2018: David Petraeus and Lisa Monaco on America’s cybersecurity posture

CSET Cyber Security Evaluation Tool – ICS/OT

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Tags: cybersecurity posture, security risk management

Oct 04 2019

5 Updates from PCI SSC That You Need to Know

Category: Security ComplianceDISC @ 9:39 pm

As payment technologies evolve, so do the requirements for securing cardholder data.

Source: Slideshows – Dark Reading

PCI DSS: Looking Ahead to Version 4.0

3 Primary Goals for PCI DSS Version 4.0

What is PCI DSS? | A Brief Summary of the Standard

How to Achieve PCI DSS Compliance on AWS

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Tags: pci dss, PCI SSC

Oct 01 2019

CCPA – The California Consumer Privacy Act

Category: Security ComplianceDISC @ 4:51 pm

More detail on site: Steps to CCPA Compliance roadmap

Everything You Need To Know About CCPA 2018

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Tags: CCPA

Sep 27 2019

State of OT/ICS CyberSecurity

Category: OT/ICS,Scada SecurityDISC @ 6:42 pm

State of OT/ICS Cybersecurity 2019 [Infographic via SANS Institute]

State of ICS/OT CyberSecurity: pdf

Guide to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security

Independent Study Pinpoints Significant SCADA/ICS Security Risks

Cyber-Security and Governance for Industrial Control Systems

NIST Releases Cybersecurity Guide for Energy Sector to Improve Operational Technology

NSM/threat hunting in OT/ICS/SCADA environments

The Convergence (and Divergence) of IT and OT Cyber Security

ICS Security Assessment Methodology, Tools & Tips

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Sep 26 2019

Live and let live InfoSec

User vs Security

secret password
Live and let live InfoSec

The average person’s take on security control: they have real jobs to do, and security isn’t one of them. so remember ‘usability vs bypass security control’ when designing a new control. Please feel free to share your opinion on this.

Funny business meeting illustrating how hard it is for an (infosec) engineer to fit into the corporate world!

parkour vs security chase

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Sep 23 2019

10 Most Critical API Security Risks

Category: App Security,Web SecurityDISC @ 2:23 pm

10 Most Critical API Security Risks [2019] – OWASP Foundation

Advanced Web Application Scanning with OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)

Web Application Security and OWASP – Top 10 Security Flaws

Ethical Hacking 101: Web App Penetration Testing

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Tags: API security risks

Sep 21 2019

How to get started with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) – Expel

Category: NIST CSF,Security ComplianceDISC @ 11:02 am

We give you a quick tour of the NIST Cybersecurity framework and describe how you can baseline your efforts in a couple of hours. So check it out.

Source: How to get started with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) – Expel

The CyberSecurity Framework Ver 1.1 Preso
[pdf-embedder url=”https://blog.deurainfosec.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/NIST-CSF-1.1-preso.pdf” title=”NIST CSF 1.1 preso”]

Virtual Session: NIST Cybersecurity Framework Explained

CSS2017 Session 14 SANS Training – NIST Cyber Security Framework

Cybersecurity Frameworks | NIST Cybersecurity Framework | Cybersecurity Certification | Edureka

Free PDF download: NIST Cybersecurity Framework and ISO 27001 | IT Governance USA

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Sep 14 2019

7 Steps to Web App Security

Category: Web SecurityDISC @ 2:15 pm

Emerging technologies are introducing entirely new ways to reach, act, and interact with people. That makes app security more important than ever.

Source: 7 Steps to Web App Security

Titles: Web App Security

Securing Web Applications

Application Security – Understanding, Exploiting and Defending against Top Web Vulnerabilities

Web Application Security and OWASP – Top 10 Security Flaws

Ethical Hacking 101: Web App Penetration Testing – a full course for beginners

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Tags: burp suite, web 2.0 threats, web app security, web hacking, web security

Sep 10 2019

Insider Threat Report

Category: Insider ThreatDISC @ 10:05 pm

Insider Threat Report [Verizon]

What is Insider Threat?

A Framework to Effectively Develop Insider Threat Controls

Insider Threats:
A Worst Practices Guide to Preventing Leaks, Attacks, Theft, and Sabotage


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Tags: Insider Threat Report

Sep 09 2019

What’s your Password?!

Category: Password Security,Security AwarenessDISC @ 12:36 am

Very funny 😂 security password reminder, not funny that this is real!

Most Hilarious 😹 WiFi Names

Obama 😎 finds ways to make cybersecurity funny 😎

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Aug 27 2019

What the New NIST Privacy Framework Means to You

Category: Information PrivacyDISC @ 11:12 pm

Big news is coming when NIST takes the wraps off a new privacy framework. Thanks to the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, which took full effect in May 2018, privacy is at center stage worldwide. Penalties are being meted out for violations, and organizations of all kinds need to understand and comply with the law. In addition, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was enacted in June 2018, with many other states working on similar bills.

Source: What the New NIST Privacy Framework Means to You

Developing the NIST Privacy Framework – Part 1

Developing the NIST Privacy Framework – Part 2

Developing the NIST Privacy Framework – Part 3

NIST Privacy Framework: An Enterprise Risk Management Tool

Tags: CCPA, gdpr

Aug 22 2019

‘2019 is the year of enforcement’: GDPR fines have begun

Category: GDPRDISC @ 2:57 pm

The Information Commissioner’s Office levied fines against British Airways and Marriott International for violating the GDPR.

Source: ‘2019 is the year of enforcement’: GDPR fines have begun – Digiday

British Airways faces $230 million fine over GDPR breach

Marriott Faces GDPR Fines: A DPO and CISO Discussion

Steps to GDPR Compliance

Archived GDPR posts

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Aug 18 2019

State of Cyber Security

Category: cyber securityDISC @ 3:59 pm

State of Cyber Security – 2019 Annual Report

A View from the Front Lines of Cybersecurity


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Aug 15 2019

Data Loss Prevention: Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Your Business

Category: data security,Security AwarenessDISC @ 2:30 pm

photo courtesy of Unsplash

By Jasmine Dyoco

Another day, another data breach. Lately, it seems like we can’t go more than a few days without hearing about another cyber attack. Data breaches have recently occurred at health insurance providers like Anthem, banks like Capital One, and even the Equifax credit bureau. If there’s anything these recent hacks have shown us, it’s that no industry is safe.
Social Security numbers, credit cards, and passwords are just some of the types of compromised data. Given the number of recent attacks, Bloomberg reports that some cybersecurity professionals now make millions of dollars per year.
Massive amounts of information have been stolen. According to The Week, “virtually everyone in the U.S. has been affected by a data breach in some way — even those who never go online.” If you’re worried a hacker might have your data, here’s how you can protect yourself and your family:

Malware and Viruses

Malware and computer viruses are common ways that scammers get sensitive information. Contrary to popular belief, Macs (and smartphones and tablets) can get viruses. Whether you use Mac, Windows, Linux, or an iPad, protecting your computer against viruses also protects your information.

According to Secure Data Recovery, proactive actions can help keep hackers and viruses from accessing your data. Use strong passwords that are hard to guess. A sentence or phrase is stronger than a single word, for example. You should also install a firewall and antivirus software. Save backups of your files to a device like an external hard drive. Alternatively, you could also save data to the cloud using Google Drive or similar.

Security and Compliance

Cyber threats are continually evolving. By having an information security (InfoSec) plan in place, you can protect data from falling into the wrong hands. InfoSec helps organizations maintain confidentiality while complying with industry regulations.  DISC help the organization to succeed in infosec and Privacy program by building and assessing Information Security Management System (ISMS) and Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) based on various standards and regulations.

For instance, Deura Information Security Consulting (DISC) can perform a risk assessment to identify the security risks. Based on those gaps, they’ll help you create a “safe, secure, and resilient cyber environment.” Additionally, they’ll help your organization comply with regional cyber laws. Those laws include Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).


Protect Your Teens 

Nobody is safe from online attacks. Unfortunately, that includes children and teenagers. Some scams specifically target teens and young adults. One example is phishing, which tricks teens into revealing their social media passwords. Teens are also susceptible to phishing scams that include “urgent” subject lines. These scams often trick people into clicking a link to avoid missing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

To protect your children, the InfoSec Institute advises telling them to keep their login information private and to never click on social media links via email. Teach them red flags, like email scams claiming they’ve won money or website URLs that have misspellings or extra letters. Your whole family can learn what to look for by practicing with a phishing simulator.


Credit Freezes and Monitoring

Many people believe cybercriminals only steal money. The reality is that many of them are interested in stealing data, identities, or intellectual property. In the event that you do experience data loss, whether due to a virus, malware, or online scam, it’s essential to take action.

According to the IRS, you should report identity theft to the FTC, your bank, and each of the credit bureaus. You might want to freeze your credit and place a one-year alert on your credit report. Credit monitoring companies can help you protect your credit score by alerting you of any fraudulent activity. If you follow the tips listed above, you can recover your data and protect yourself from future attacks.

How to report and protect yourself from credit card fraud

How to prevent credit card fraud amid coronavirus pandemic

The Secret to Cybersecurity: A Simple Plan to Protect Your Family and Business from Cybercrime

Aug 12 2019

Flaws in device drivers from 20 vendors allow hackers to install a persistent backdoor

Category: Security vulnerabilitiesDISC @ 10:29 am

Researchers discovered multiple flaws in more than 40 drivers from at least 20 different vendors that could to install a persistent backdoor on Windows PCs.

Source: Flaws in device drivers from 20 vendors allow hackers to install a persistent backdoor

The security flaw in more than 40 Device Drivers from 20 hardware vendors

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Aug 07 2019

Why do organizations need to conduct a penetration test?

Category: Pen TestDISC @ 11:01 pm

12 desirable reasons why an organization should carry out a penetration test:

  1.  Assess potential business and operational impacts of successful attacks and determine the feasibility of a particular set of attack vectors.
  2.  Identify higher-risk vulnerabilities resulting from lower-risk vulnerabilities exploited in a particular way.
  3. To comply with security regulations or standards, e.g. ISO 27001, NIST CSF, NIST 800-171HIPAAPCI DSS or the EU GDPR.
  4. To ensure the security of new applications or significant changes to business processes.
  5. To manage the risks of using a greater number and variety of outsourced services.
  6. To assess the risk of critical data or systems being compromised by an incident.
  7. In preparation for any upcoming external audits, such as FFIEC audits performed by third-party providers.
  8. To determine the weakness in the infrastructure (hardware), application (software) and people in order to develop controls.
  9. Save Remediation Costs and Reduces Network Downtime.
  10. To develop Efficient Security Measures.
  11. Provide evidence to support increased investments in security personnel and technology.
  12. At the end of the day, it’s basic due diligence, to find out about the vulnerability before someone else does.

I’ll Let Myself In: Tactics of Physical Pen Testers

#SANS Pen Test HackFest Summit


DISC InfoSec Recommended Pen Testing Titles

Penetration Testing Services Procurement Guide

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