Jun 25 2024

In what situations would a vCISO or CISOaaS service be appropriate?

Category: CISO,vCISOdisc7 @ 11:48 am

A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) service or (CISOaaS) may be appropriate for a variety of scenarios, including:

Your clients, collaborators (partners) and some regulatory requirements anticipate the presence of an individual fulfilling the position of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
  1. Companies without an in-house CISO: Small and medium-sized companies may not have the budget or need for a full-time CISO. A vCISO service can provide these companies with access to a seasoned cybersecurity professional without having to hire a full-time employee.
  1. Companies experiencing rapid growth or change: Companies that are growing quickly or undergoing significant changes, such as mergers or acquisitions, may benefit from the expertise of a vCISO to help them navigate the cybersecurity implications of these changes.
  1. Companies with limited cybersecurity resources: Some companies may have an IT team but lack dedicated cybersecurity resources. A vCISO can help fill this gap by providing strategic guidance and oversight of the company’s cybersecurity program.
  1. Compliance requirements: Companies in regulated industries, such as healthcare or financial services, may require a CISO to meet regulatory requirements. A vCISO can help these companies meet compliance requirements with standards (ISO 27001) and regulations (PCI, HIPAA, NIST CSF, etc.) without having to hire a full-time CISO.
  1. Cybersecurity incident response: In the event of a cybersecurity incident, a vCISO can provide expertise and guidance to help the company respond effectively and minimize the impact of the incident.

Overall, a vCISO service can be a cost-effective way for companies to gain access to the expertise of a seasoned cybersecurity professional without having to hire a full-time employee.

Which organizations may need vCISO services:

  1. Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs):
    • These businesses may not have the resources to hire a full-time CISO but still require expert guidance to manage their cybersecurity needs.
    • Industries: Technology startups, healthcare practices, legal firms, financial services, retail businesses, etc.
  2. Large Enterprises:
    • Large companies with existing security teams may use vCISO services for additional expertise, specific projects, or temporary coverage to assist in house CISO.
    • Industries: Finance, healthcare, manufacturing, utilities, telecommunications, etc.
  3. Non-Profit Organizations:
    • These organizations often need to protect sensitive donor and beneficiary information but might lack the budget for a full-time CISO.
    • Examples: Charitable organizations, educational institutions, and research entities.
  4. Government Agencies:
    • Small to mid-sized government entities may utilize vCISO services to bolster their cybersecurity posture and comply with regulations.
    • Examples: Local municipalities, state agencies, and public health departments.
  5. Regulated Industries:
    • Companies in heavily regulated industries need to adhere to strict compliance standards and may require specialized cybersecurity expertise.
    • Industries: Healthcare (HIPAA), finance (GLBA, SOX), and retail (PCI-DSS).
  6. Organizations Undergoing Digital Transformation:
    • Businesses that are adopting new technologies, moving to the cloud, or modernizing their IT infrastructure may need vCISO services to manage the associated security risks.
    • Examples: Companies implementing IoT, AI, or big data solutions.
  7. Businesses Experiencing Rapid Growth:
    • Fast-growing companies may face evolving cybersecurity challenges and can benefit from the strategic oversight of a vCISO.
    • Examples: Tech startups, e-commerce platforms, and fintech companies.
  8. Companies Preparing for Mergers and Acquisitions:
    • Businesses involved in M&A activities need to ensure that cybersecurity due diligence is performed and that their security posture is strong to protect sensitive data.
    • Examples: Investment firms, private equity groups, and merging corporations.
  9. Organizations Recovering from a Security Incident:
    • Companies that have experienced a breach or other security incident may hire a vCISO to help with incident response, recovery, and the implementation of stronger security measures.
    • Examples: Any business recovering from ransomware attacks, data breaches, or significant cybersecurity incidents to mitigate risk to an acceptable level and improves security posture

DISC InfoSec can offer tailored cybersecurity solutions that align with the specific needs and constraints of different types of organizations.


Organizations committed to prioritizing security encounter the difficulty of locating a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) possessing the appropriate skills and knowledge. It becomes necessary for someone to take charge of the security and compliance strategy, but this requirement often surpasses the expertise possessed by operational IT/CIO.

What is CISOaaS?
Chief Information Security Officer-as-a-Service (CISOaaS) provides information security leadership from an appropriate pool of expertise. CISOaaS provides security guidance to senior management and drives the organization’s information security program.

Cert-In issues new guidelines for government bodies, mandates appointment of CISO, Read more at: https://lnkd.in/dKcdHMtP

The benefits of our CISOaaS

  • Gain access to a diverse pool of highly experienced and specialized senior cyber security professionals.
  • Rapidly access valuable resources and eliminate the necessity of retaining talent.
  • Reduce your expenses by paying solely for the necessary support, effectively minimizing costs.
  • Based on CISOaaS being engaged for four days a month annually at current prices. 
  • Based on your requirements, you can hire a vCISO 5-10 hours a week or per month.
  • Mitigate your risk by strengthening your cyber and information strategy through the implementation of a clearly defined roadmap, thereby enhancing your overall security posture.
  • Acquire valuable experience in effectively educating and presenting to board members, and non-technical senior staff across functional diverse backgrounds.
  • Leverage our independent perspective and established credibility to secure comprehensive cross-business support and successfully accomplish your information security objectives.

Are you Ready? DISC InfoSec offers a free consultation to evaluate your security posture and GRC requirements, providing you with an actionable plan that starts here…

Deura InfoSec Partners with Ostendio to Streamline Compliance & Security Offerings

  • Strategic Partnership: Ostendio and Deura InfoSec have formed a partnership to enhance compliance and risk management services for Deura InfoSec clients using Ostendio’s GRC platform.
  • Efficiency Gains: Deura InfoSec will leverage Ostendio’s platform to streamline compliance processes, significantly reducing the time clients spend on information security management by up to 50%.
  • Client Benefits: The partnership allows Deura InfoSec to overcome the challenges of fragmented security and simplify the processes and costs of delivering complex cybersecurity programs.


Previous posts on vCISO/CISO

CISO Conversations: The Role of the vCISO

6 ways the CISO role is evolving today

A CISO’s Guide to Avoiding Jail After a Breach

Cybersecurity: The CISO’s View

We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our team is here to help, and we’re always looking to improve our services. You can reach us by email at info@deurainfosec.com or through our website. contact form.

We offer discounted initial assessment based on various industry standards and regulations to demonstrate our value and identify possible areas for improvement. Potentially a roadmap for the to-be state.

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Tags: CISO, CISOaaS, FractionalCISO, GRC, Ostendio, vCISO

Aug 20 2023

State of Virtual CISO

Category: CISO,vCISOdisc7 @ 1:44 pm

Cynomi Study Reveals Number of MSPs Providing Virtual CISO Services Will Grow Fivefold By Next Year

The frequency of cyberattacks is increasing, particularly targeting smaller businesses. However, most small and mid-size companies cannot afford a full-time security professional. To address this, they are turning to vCISO (virtual Chief Information Security Officer) services offered by Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs). These services provide access to external cybersecurity experts at a lower cost than hiring an in-house CISO.

A report by Cynomi, based on a survey of 200 executives in the U.S. and Canada, shows the rising demand for vCISO services among SMBs and how MSPs and MSSPs are responding to this demand. The report reveals that 84% of those not currently offering vCISO services but plan to do so by the end of 2024. The number of providers offering these services has been consistently growing, with 8% in 2022, 28% in 2023, and a projected 45% in 2024.

MSPs and MSSPs are motivated to offer vCISO services due to anticipated increased revenue, higher margins, easy upselling of other cybersecurity services, and enhanced client engagement. Although they foresee challenges such as limited in-house security knowledge and a lack of skilled cybersecurity personnel, vCISO platforms help mitigate these concerns.

Cynomi, a leading vCISO platform provider, aims to conduct annual studies on the growing trend of the vCISO role. They have also created a directory of prominent vCISO service providers to help SMBs find trusted security partners, offering details about services and technology platforms used by each provider.

DISC InfoSec Previous posts on vCISO

CISSP training course

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Tags: CISO, Cynomi, vCISO

Aug 19 2023

How CISOs break down complex security challenges

Category: CISO,vCISOdisc7 @ 2:34 pm

In the provided article, the author, who is a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), discusses the challenges and strategies related to maintaining technical expertise while effectively communicating complex cybersecurity issues to stakeholders in a comprehensible manner.

The author emphasizes the importance of understanding the intricacies of technology in order to secure it effectively. This philosophy has driven the author to stay up-to-date with technology trends, collaborate with other security experts, and maintain a deep connection with their technical teams. The author also highlights the value of using simple metaphors to explain complex concepts, leveraging their strong technical background to convey information in a way that is easier for non-technical stakeholders to grasp.

In the context of managing cyber resilience efforts across an enterprise, the author draws parallels to managing different types of risk, categorizing them as good and bad risks. Good risks are those that contribute to business growth and innovation, while bad risks are associated with lacking proper planning and security measures. Balancing these risks requires strong relationships across the organization and constant communication.

The article also discusses the impact of digital initiatives and rapid digital transformation on the CISO’s role. While digital transformation can enhance efficiency and lower risks, challenges arise when new technologies like cloud or SaaS services are introduced without a clear understanding of their security implications. Collaboration between technology vendors, cybersecurity companies, and leadership teams is essential to address these challenges.

In the face of external events that test organizational resilience, the author presents four key principles for effective leadership: communication, agility, constant learning, and adaptability. These principles help leaders navigate uncertainties, learn from experiences, and handle change more effectively.

For a newly appointed CISO tasked with explaining complex cyber regulations to the board, the author suggests researching the backgrounds and industries of board members to tailor explanations to their perspectives. Comparisons to regulations in related industries or significant news events can help the board better understand the issues and recognize the CISO’s commitment to understanding the regulatory landscape.

In summary, the article underscores the need for CISOs to balance technical expertise with effective communication, employing metaphors to simplify complex concepts, and building strong relationships to manage cyber risks across the enterprise. It also highlights the challenges and strategies associated with digital transformation, organizational resilience, and succinctly communicating complex regulations to the board.

DISC InfoSec previous posts on CISO topic

CISSP training course

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Jul 18 2023

Stabilizing The Cybersecurity Landscape: The CISO Exodus And The Rise Of VCISOs

Category: CISO,vCISOdisc7 @ 10:50 pm


In today’s evolving digital landscape, the role of a chief information security officer (CISO) is critical. These professionals defend against the rising tide of daily cyberthreats. Yet we’re seeing a trend: Many CISOs are leaving or considering leaving their jobs, a phenomenon coined the “Great CISO Resignation.”

This trend seems to reflect the intense pressure CISOs endure. They face a constant stream of complex cyberthreats, manage compliance issues and struggle with a talent deficit in cybersecurity. Paired with high expectations, many reconsider their roles, which can lead to a leadership gap.

However, this situation opens a strategic opportunity for innovation. As the founder and president of a company that offers virtual chief information security officer (vCISO) services, I’ve seen this model gaining momentum.

Understanding The vCISO Model

A vCISO is an outsourced security practitioner or provider who offers their expertise to businesses on a part-time or contractual basis. These professionals provide many of the same services as a traditional CISO, such as developing and implementing security strategies, ensuring compliance with regulations, training staff and managing a company’s cybersecurity posture. The key difference is that vCISOs offer these services remotely and often to multiple companies at once.

This model brings flexibility and scalability, allowing businesses to tailor cybersecurity leadership to their specific needs. It also provides access to a breadth of expertise that is often unaffordable in a full-time, in-house CISO.

Leveraging The vCISO Model Amid The CISO Exodus

With the current trend of CISOs leaving their positions, the vCISO model offers a practical solution to maintain cybersecurity leadership. Here are some ways businesses can take advantage of this model:

Plug Leadership Gaps Quickly

When a CISO departs, they leave a leadership void that’s hard to fill quickly, especially considering the shortage of cybersecurity talent. By leveraging a vCISO, businesses can plug this gap swiftly, ensuring continued oversight and direction in their cybersecurity efforts.

Access A Broader Skill Set

vCISOs, often being part of a larger team, can bring a wide range of experiences and skills. They are exposed to diverse security landscapes across industries, which can provide a fresh perspective and innovative solutions to your security challenges.

Cost Efficiency

Hiring a full-time CISO can be prohibitively expensive for some companies. vCISO services, on the other hand, can be scaled to fit budgetary constraints, giving businesses access to top-tier security leadership without as much of a hefty price tag.

Flexibility And Scalability

As your business grows and evolves, so too can your cybersecurity needs. A vCISO’s flexible engagement model means you can scale cybersecurity leadership to match your changing requirements.

Deciphering The vCISO Selection: A Strategic Perspective

Selecting the right virtual chief information security officer is pivotal to the success of your cybersecurity strategy, especially in the wake of the “Great CISO Resignation.” You’re essentially recruiting an outsourced leader who can help guide your organization’s information security infrastructure and strategy, so you need to ensure that they not only have the expertise but that they also align with your organization’s culture and values. Here are some strategic suggestions for identifying the perfect vCISO for your business:

Evaluate Their Background And Experience

Start by examining the vCISO’s professional background. This includes their level of experience in your specific industry, as well as their familiarity with the size and type of businesses like yours. Their past roles and achievements can provide valuable insight into their ability to handle the unique cybersecurity threats and risks your business may face. Don’t hesitate to ask for a detailed track record of their experience and successes.

Assess Their Expertise

Probe into their knowledge of current cybersecurity trends, their ability to create a cybersecurity strategy, their understanding of regulatory requirements that are relevant to your industry and their experience in managing security incidents. You should also ask about their experience with various cybersecurity tools and technologies. A vCISO’s expertise should encompass not only tactical but also strategic thinking and planning.

Understand Their Approach

Get a sense of their management style, communication skills and approach to problem-solving. Cybersecurity is a team effort, so the vCISO needs to effectively work with and guide your in-house team. Are they able to communicate complex security concepts in a way that everyone in your organization can understand? Can they foster a security-first culture within the company?

Determine Alignment With Business Goals

The right vCISO should understand your business strategy and align security strategies to business objectives. They should be able to strike a balance between the necessary security measures and the operational needs of your company.

In what situations would a vCISO or CISOaaS Service be appropriate?


Previous posts on vCISO/CISO

CISO Conversations: The Role of the vCISO

Cybersecurity: The CISO’s View

We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help and we’re always looking for ways to improve our services. You can reach us by email (info@deurainfosec.com), or through our website’s contact form.

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May 25 2023

What are the Common Security Challenges CISOs Face?

Category: CISO,vCISODISC @ 3:34 pm

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) hold a critical and challenging role in today’s rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape. Here are the common security challenges CISOs face.

As organizations increasingly rely on technology to drive their operations, CISOs face complex security challenges that demand their expertise and strategic decision-making.

These challenges arise from the constant emergence of sophisticated cyber threats, the need to protect sensitive data, and the ever-evolving regulatory landscape.

The role of a CISO requires balancing proactive risk mitigation with the ability to respond swiftly to incidents and breaches.

This article will delve into the top challenges CISOs face, including protecting digital assets, managing security incidents, ensuring compliance, dealing with insider threats, and the relentless pursuit of cyber resilience.

By understanding these challenges, CISOs can develop robust cybersecurity strategies and lead their organizations toward a secure and resilient future.

Who is a CISO?

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is a senior executive responsible for overseeing and administering an organization’s information security plan.

A CISO’s primary responsibility is safeguarding the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of an organization’s information assets and systems.

They are accountable for creating and enforcing strategies, policies, and procedures to defend against cyber threats, protect sensitive data, and mitigate security risks.

CISOs play a crucial role in maintaining an organization’s security posture by establishing and enforcing security standards, conducting risk assessments, and implementing appropriate security controls.

They collaborate with other executives, IT teams, and stakeholders to align security initiatives with business objectives and ensure that security measures are integrated into the organization’s operations.

In addition to their technical expertise, CISOs often engage in risk management, incident response planning, security awareness training, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

They stay updated on the latest cybersecurity trends, threats, and technologies to address emerging risks and implement appropriate security measures effectively.

The role of a CISO has become increasingly important as cyber threats evolve in complexity and frequency.

CISOs are responsible for safeguarding the organization’s sensitive information, maintaining the trust of customers and stakeholders, and ensuring business continuity in the face of cybersecurity challenges.

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What are all the Roles and Responsibilities of CISO?

  1. Developing and Implementing Information Security Strategy: The CISO is responsible for developing and implementing an overarching information security strategy aligned with the organization’s business objectives. This includes setting security goals, defining security policies and procedures, and establishing risk management frameworks.
  2. Leading the Security Team: The CISO manages and provides leadership to the security team, including hiring, training, and supervising security personnel. They ensure the team has the necessary skills, resources, and support to carry out their responsibilities effectively.
  3. Overseeing Security Operations: The CISO oversees day-to-day security operations, including incident response, vulnerability management, threat intelligence, and security monitoring. They ensure appropriate controls, technologies, and processes are in place to protect the organization’s assets.
  4. Risk Management: The CISO is responsible for identifying and assessing security risks to the organization’s information systems and assets. They develop and implement risk management strategies to safeguard critical data and systems, including risk mitigation, transfer, and acceptance.
  5. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: The CISO ensures that the organization complies with relevant security regulations, industry standards, and legal requirements. They stay updated on emerging regulations and ensure appropriate controls and processes are in place to meet compliance obligations.
  6. Security Incident Response: The CISO leads the organization’s response to security incidents, including data breaches, malware attacks, and other security breaches. They establish incident response plans, coordinate efforts, and collaborate with relevant stakeholders, such as legal, PR, and law enforcement agencies.
  7. Security Awareness and Training: The CISO promotes a culture of security awareness throughout the organization. They develop and deliver security awareness programs and training initiatives to educate employees on security best practices and minimize human-related security risks.
  8. Vendor and Third-Party Risk Management: The CISO assesses and manages security risks associated with third-party vendors and partners. They establish vendor security requirements, conduct due diligence, and monitor compliance with security standards and contractual obligations.
  9. Security Governance and Reporting: The CISO provides regular reports and updates on the organization’s security posture to executive management, board members, and other relevant stakeholders. They ensure that security metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) are established to measure the effectiveness of security programs.
  10. Incident Investigation and Forensics: In the event of security incidents, the CISO oversees the investigation and forensic analysis to identify the root cause, assess the impact, and prevent future occurrences. As required, they collaborate with internal and external resources, such as forensic experts and law enforcement agencies.

Security Challenges CISOs Face

CISOs face various common security challenges as they strive to protect their organizations’ digital assets and information. Perimeter 81 Guide helps CISOs to prevent their network from being at Risk. Some of the key challenges they encounter include:

  • Sophisticated Cyberattacks: CISOs must defend against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, including advanced persistent threats (APTs), ransomware attacks, social engineering, and zero-day exploits. These attacks can bypass traditional security measures and require constant vigilance and adaptive security strategies.
  • Insider Threats: CISOs need to address the risks posed by insiders, including employees, contractors, or partners who have authorized access to systems and data. Insider threats can involve accidental data breaches, negligence, or malicious intent, requiring a balance between enabling productivity and implementing controls to prevent unauthorized access or data leakage.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: CISOs must ensure their organizations comply with industry-specific regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, or SOX, and evolving privacy laws. Navigating complex compliance requirements and maintaining a robust security posture to meet these standards can be a significant challenge.
  • Cloud Security: As organizations increasingly adopt cloud services and infrastructure, CISOs must address the unique security challenges associated with cloud computing. This includes securing data stored in the cloud, managing access controls, and ensuring the security of cloud service providers (CSPs) and their environments.
  • Security Skills Gap: CISOs often need more skilled cybersecurity professionals. The industry’s rapid growth and evolving threat landscape have resulted in high demand for cybersecurity talent, making recruiting and retaining qualified professionals challenging.
  • Third-Party Risk: Organizations rely on third-party vendors and suppliers, introducing potential security risks. CISOs must assess the security posture of third parties, establish contractual security obligations, and monitor their adherence to security standards to mitigate the risk of breaches through these external connections.
  • Security Awareness and Training: Human error remains a significant factor in cybersecurity incidents. CISOs must promote a strong security culture, provide regular training and awareness programs, and educate employees about cybersecurity best practices to minimize the risk of social engineering, phishing attacks, and other user-related vulnerabilities.
  • Incident Response and Recovery: CISOs must develop and test robust incident response plans to manage and recover from security incidents effectively. This involves identifying and containing breaches, conducting forensic investigations, and implementing remediation measures to minimize the impact and prevent future incidents.
  • Emerging Technologies: Adopting technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain introduces new security challenges. CISOs must understand the security implications of these technologies, assess risks, and implement appropriate controls to protect against potential vulnerabilities and attacks.
  • Budget and Resource Constraints: CISOs often face budget limitations and the need to prioritize security initiatives. Balancing the allocation of resources to address immediate security needs while investing in long-term security capabilities can be a significant challenge.

What are the Security Compliance CISO Should Follow

As a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), there are several security compliance frameworks and regulations that you should consider following, depending on the nature of your organization and its operations. Here are some of the key security compliance frameworks and regulations:

  1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): If your organization deals with the personal data of individuals in the European Union (EU), GDPR sets requirements for the protection, processing, and transfer of personal data. It includes principles for data minimization, consent, data breach notification, and the rights of individuals.
  2. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS): PCI DSS applies to organizations that handle credit card information. It sets requirements for securing payment card data, including network security, encryption, access controls, and regular vulnerability assessments.
  3. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): HIPAA applies to organizations in the healthcare industry that handle protected health information (PHI). It establishes requirements for the privacy and security of PHI, including access controls, encryption, risk assessments, and breach notification.
  4. Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX): SOX applies to publicly traded companies in the United States. It sets requirements for financial reporting and establishes controls and processes to ensure the accuracy and integrity of financial statements. While not solely focused on security, it includes provisions for protecting financial data.
  5. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework: The NIST Cybersecurity Framework provides guidelines and best practices for managing cybersecurity risks. It covers risk assessment, security controls, incident response, and continuous monitoring.
  6. ISO 27001: ISO 27001 is an international standard that provides a framework for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS). It covers various aspects of information security, including risk management, access controls, incident management, and security awareness.
  7. Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA): FISMA applies to U.S. federal agencies and sets requirements for securing federal information and systems. It mandates risk assessments, security controls, incident response planning, and continuous monitoring.

Security Challenges CISOs Face to Manage Security Team

Managing a security team as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) requires effective leadership, communication, and coordination. Here are some key aspects to consider when managing a security team:

  1. Establish Clear Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member to ensure everyone understands their specific duties and areas of expertise. This clarity helps streamline operations and avoid confusion.
  2. Set Goals and Objectives: Define strategic goals and objectives for the security team aligned with the organization’s overall security strategy. Communicate these goals to the team and regularly track progress to ensure everyone is working towards the same objectives.
  3. Provide Guidance and Mentorship: Offer team members guidance, mentorship, and professional development opportunities. Encourage skill development, certifications, and staying up-to-date with the latest security trends and technologies—support team members in their career growth.
  4. Foster Collaboration and Communication: Promote a collaborative and open communication culture within the team. Encourage knowledge sharing, cross-functional collaboration, and effective communication channels. Regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and updates are valuable for aligning efforts.
  5. Support Decision-Making: Empower team members to make decisions within their areas of responsibility. Provide guidance and support when needed, but encourage autonomy and ownership in decision-making. Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable taking calculated risks.
  6. Establish Incident Response Procedures: Develop clear incident response procedures and ensure the team is well-prepared to handle security incidents effectively. Conduct regular drills, tabletop exercises, and simulations to test and improve the team’s incident response capabilities.
  7. Stay Informed and Adapt: Stay up-to-date with the latest security threats, industry trends, and best practices. Encourage continuous learning and professional development for the team. Adapt security strategies and measures as the threat landscape evolves.
  8. Collaborate with Other Departments: Work closely with other departments, such as IT, legal, HR, and executive management, to ensure security initiatives are aligned with business objectives and integrated into overall organizational operations. Build relationships and foster a culture of security awareness throughout the organization.
  9. Regularly Evaluate and Improve: Regularly evaluate the team’s performance, processes, and procedures. Collect feedback from team members and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement. Implement changes and adjustments as necessary to enhance the team’s effectiveness and efficiency.
  10. Lead by Example: Demonstrate strong leadership skills, integrity, and a commitment to security best practices. Lead by example in adhering to security policies and procedures. Encourage a positive and supportive work environment.

Final Thoughts 

CISOs face many common security challenges as protectors of their organization’s digital assets and information.

From sophisticated cyberattacks and insider threats to compliance requirements and resource constraints, these challenges highlight the complex and evolving nature of the cybersecurity landscape.

CISOs must navigate these challenges by adopting a proactive and strategic approach to security, leveraging advanced technologies, fostering a strong security culture, and collaborating with stakeholders.

To overcome these challenges, CISOs must stay abreast of emerging threats, continuously evaluate and improve their security measures, and prioritize investments in critical security capabilities.

They must also foster strong partnerships with internal teams, third-party vendors, and industry peers to collectively address security challenges and share best practices.

While the security challenges CISOs face may seem daunting, they also present opportunities for innovation and growth.

By effectively addressing these challenges, CISOs can enhance their organizations’ security posture, safeguard critical assets, and instill confidence in customers and stakeholders.

Ultimately, the role of a CISO requires a comprehensive and adaptable approach to cybersecurity, where staying one step ahead of threats and continuously improving security measures are paramount.

By embracing these challenges, CISOs can help shape a secure and resilient future for their organizations in an increasingly interconnected and threat-filled digital landscape.

In what situations would a vCISO Service be appropriate?

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Mar 02 2023

In what situations would a vCISO or CISOaaS Service be appropriate?

Category: CISO,vCISODISC @ 12:06 am
5 Reasons Why a Virtual CISO (vCISO) May Be Right for Your Business - Pratum

A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) service or (CISOaaS) may be appropriate for a variety of scenarios, including:

Your clients, collaborators (partners) and some regulatory requirements anticipate the presence of an individual fulfilling the position of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
  1. Companies without an in-house CISO: Small and medium-sized companies may not have the budget or need for a full-time CISO. A vCISO service can provide these companies with access to a seasoned cybersecurity professional without having to hire a full-time employee.
  1. Companies experiencing rapid growth or change: Companies that are growing quickly or undergoing significant changes, such as mergers or acquisitions, may benefit from the expertise of a vCISO to help them navigate the cybersecurity implications of these changes.
  1. Companies with limited cybersecurity resources: Some companies may have an IT team but lack dedicated cybersecurity resources. A vCISO can help fill this gap by providing strategic guidance and oversight of the company’s cybersecurity program.
  1. Compliance requirements: Companies in regulated industries, such as healthcare or financial services, may require a CISO to meet regulatory requirements. A vCISO can help these companies meet compliance requirements with standards (ISO 27001) and regulations (PCI, HIPAA, NIST CSF, etc.) without having to hire a full-time CISO.
  1. Cybersecurity incident response: In the event of a cybersecurity incident, a vCISO can provide expertise and guidance to help the company respond effectively and minimize the impact of the incident.

Overall, a vCISO service can be a cost-effective way for companies to gain access to the expertise of a seasoned cybersecurity professional without having to hire a full-time employee.


Organizations committed to prioritizing security encounter the difficulty of locating a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) possessing the appropriate skills and knowledge. It becomes necessary for someone to take charge of the security and compliance strategy, but this requirement often surpasses the expertise possessed by operational IT/CIO.

What is CISOaaS?
Chief Information Security Officer-as-a-Service (CISOaaS) provides information security leadership from an appropriate pool of expertise. CISOaaS provides security guidance to senior management and drives the organization’s information security program.

Cert-In issues new guidelines for government bodies, mandates appointment of CISO
https://lnkd.in/db6PsxYQ, Read more at: https://lnkd.in/dKcdHMtP


Scoping -> Assessment (business, legal and contractual reqs) -> Gap analysis (based on stds and regulations) -> provide a roadmap to-be state -> implementation of roadmap -> Evaluation and Continual improvement (of security program)

The benefits of our CISOaaS

  • Gain access to a diverse pool of highly experienced and specialized senior cyber security professionals.
  • Rapidly access valuable resources and eliminate the necessity of retaining talent.
  • Reduce your expenses by paying solely for the necessary support, effectively minimizing costs.
  • Based on CISOaaS being engaged for four days a month annually at current prices. ($37,000 per year)
  • Based on your requirements, you can hire a vCISO 5-10 hours a week or per month. ($125 per hour)
  • Mitigate your risk by strengthening your cyber and information strategy through the implementation of a clearly defined roadmap, thereby enhancing your overall security posture.
  • Acquire valuable experience in effectively educating and presenting to board members, and non-technical senior staff across functional diverse backgrounds.
  • Leverage our independent perspective and established credibility to secure comprehensive cross-business support and successfully accomplish your information security objectives.

Collaborate with government authorities

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CISO Conversations: The Role of the vCISO

Cybersecurity: The CISO’s View

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Tags: CISOaaS, FractionalCISO, vCISO

Jan 12 2023

vCISO Services – value added benefits of vCISO

Category: CISO,vCISODISC @ 3:37 pm

Most small-to medium-sized business (SMBs) hiring a CISO may be challenging business decision to find a suitable and affordablee candidate and the impacts of cyber breach to the SMBs can be devastating since many of those businesses are unable to sustain the costs of breach. A vCISO can provide the expertise needed to ensure your information security, privacy programs are succeeding and your company is prepared to assess and analyze an incident, all at cost-effective price.

DISC’s Virtual CISO (vCISO) service assists organizations to design, develop and implement information security programs based on various standards and regulations. We provide professional security services which includes but not limited to leadership team (strategic) but also a support team of security analysts (tactical) to solve distinct cybersecurity challenges to every organization.

Reasons to Consider a Virtual CISO (vCISO)

Expertise covering Industries:
vCISOs work with various clients across industries, opening them to events not attainable to CISOs experience in an isolated industry. The security knowledge gained by a vCISO from each client environment is different which ensures an improved expertise to assess the next organization, which positively impacts on the next client project.

Flexibility in Unique Business Environments:
vCISOs first gain a thorough understanding of each organization’s business model, company culture, risk tolerance, and objectives. From there, they gain an understanding of security risks faced by the organization. With a full view of the security landscape, the vCISO will communicate the findings to help clients make the appropriate security decisions for their environment.

Efficiency with Core Competencies:
A virtual CISO fills will prioritize security findings where organizations need it most. By focusing on cybersecurity strategy and implementation, vCISOs helps internal security team with control understanding and implementation responsibility. This enables both staff and cybersecurity leadership to remain dedicated to their respective core competencies.

Objective Independence:
vCISOs are an independent third party with an objective viewpoint and goals of helping clients make the best security decisions for their business.

DISC’s vCISO programs generally cost a fraction of a full-time CISO and supporting security team. According to salary.com report, the average salary for a CISO is $260,000 per year in California. On average, DISC’s vCISO clients pay a fraction of what it would cost to hire an in-house CISO.

Most important skills of vCISO: is to translate between business and IT as a facilitator

vCISO risk remediation solution:

  1. What is risk to business
  2. Likelihood of occurrence and what will be the risk to business
  3. Impact of occurring and what will be the risk to business
  4. Cost of fixing, implementing or remediating and what will be the residual risk

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Tags: vCISO, Virtual CISOs

Jan 11 2023

How virtual CISOs can efficiently extend their services into compliance readiness

Category: CISO,vCISODISC @ 1:47 pm

Compliance services are emerging as one of the hottest areas of cybersecurity. While compliance used to be mainly the province of large enterprises, times have changed, and it is now a day-to-day concern for a growing number of small and medium businesses.

guide virtual CISOs

Even when these organizations are not regulated, SMEs often aim to follow compliance and/or security frameworks either for their own risk mitigation or in order to comply with the standards required by their customers. The driver is often their customers’ supply chain concerns and requirements. As large businesses adopt cybersecurity and compliance frameworks and agree to certain standards, they impose similar demands on their suppliers.

This is a major opportunity for virtual CISO (vCISO) providers assuming they can broaden their offerings to encompass compliance. vCISO service providers perform a vital role in building a comprehensive cybersecurity program for their SME customers. They ensure that organizations put basic security measures in place to reduce the risk of a cyberattack and adequate safeguards to protect sensitive information. As such, those delivering vCISO services are well-positioned to expand their services into compliance. Some have already extended their service portfolio by adding compliance-related services, adding value to their customers.

While this should be a natural and easy transition, many vCISO service providers struggle to make this move. Adding compliance and audit readiness services may be overwhelming – it requires a specific skill set and may be time-consuming.

Fortunately, vCISO platforms are emerging that integrate the compliance function and automate much of the work allowing vCISO service providers to easily add compliance services to their offering with no extra burden or cost.

In this guide we explain:

  • What compliance services are and why they are in demand
  • How vCISO providers can add value to the compliance sector
  • What the different compliance frameworks are and how they fit in with the CISO role
  • The upsell potential of compliance services
  • How compliance services tie into audit preparedness
  • How vCISOs in possession of detailed security assessments are well-positioned to provide compliance services
  • The platforms that can help vCISO providers automate security and compliance

Download the guide here.

Cybersecurity: The CISO’s View

Cybersecurity: The CISO's View

Cybersecurity Leadership

Download a Virtual CISO (#vCISO) and Security Advisory Fact Sheet | Cybersecurity Cheat Sheet

Tags: vCISO

Dec 13 2022

Survey Reveals Limits of CISOs’ Management Experience

Category: CISO,vCISODISC @ 10:07 am

A global survey from recruitment firm Marlin Hawk that polled 470 CISOs at organizations with more than 10,000 employees found nearly half (45%) have been in their current role for two years or less.

James Larkin, managing partner for Marlin Hawk, said that rate is slightly lower than the previous year when the same survey found 53% of CISOs had been in their positions for less than two years.

Overall, the survey found that current turnover rates are at 18% on a year-over-year basis. Approximately 62% of CISOs were hired from another company, compared to 38% that were promoted from within, the survey also found.

However, only 12% of CISOs are reporting directly to the CEO, while the rest report to other technology leadership roles, the survey revealed. It also found that more than a third of CISOs (36%) that have a graduate degree also received a higher degree in business administration or management, a 10% decline from the previous year. A total of 61% have higher degrees in another STEM field, the survey found.

Finally, the survey showed only 13% of the respondents are female, while only 20% are non-white.

The role of the CISO continues to expand—and with it the level of stress—as cyberattacks continue to increase in volume and sophistication, noted Larkin. It’s not clear whether or how much stress levels are contributing to CISO turnover rates, but it is one of the few 24/7 roles within any IT organization, added Larkin.

The role of the CISO has also come under more scrutiny in the wake of the conviction of former Uber CISO Joe Sullivan on charges of obstruction. Most CISOs view their role as defending the corporation but, in general, Larkin noted that most of them would err on the side of transparency when it comes to managing cybersecurity.

The one certain thing is that CISOs are more valued than ever. A PwC survey of 722 C-level executives found that 40% of business leaders ranked cybersecurity as the number-one most serious risk their organizations faced. In addition, 58% of corporate directors said they would benefit most from enhanced reporting around cybersecurity and technology.

As a result, nearly half of respondents (49%) said they were increasing investments in cybersecurity and privacy, while more than three-quarters (79%) said they were revising or enhancing cybersecurity risk management.

As a result, CISOs generally have more access to resources despite an uncertain economy. The issue is determining how best to apply those resources given the myriad platforms that are emerging to enhance cybersecurity. Of course, given the chronic shortage of cybersecurity talent, the biggest challenge may simply be finding someone who has enough expertise to manage those platforms.

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In the meantime, most of the training CISOs and other cybersecurity professionals receive will continue to be on the job. CISOs, unlike other C-level roles that have time available for more structured training, don’t have that luxury.


Oct 21 2022

Want to be a CISO? Being technical is just one of the requirements

Category: CISO,vCISODISC @ 10:54 am

As data breaches’ financial and reputational costs continue to reach new heights, cybersecurity should be on top of mind for leadership across every industry.

Recent Proofpoint research found that 65% of board members believe their organization is at risk of material cyber attack in the next 12 months. Worryingly, 47% feel their organization is unprepared to cope with a targeted attack.

In this Help Net Security interview, Chris Konrad, Area Vice President of Security, Global Accounts at World Wide Technology, offers advice to CISOs that are increasingly under pressure, discusses using a security maturity model, discusses interesting security technologies, and more.

want to be CISO
What advice would you give to a newly appointed CISO that strives to improve security strategy?

CISOs can no longer focus strictly on developing technical capabilities and protecting their organizations. Executives and boards are looking to CISOs to make investments that drive growth with a holistic security framework.

First, every CISO needs to know what their board’s mission and vision are, as well as what their risk appetite and tolerance are. You can’t secure what you can’t see. No security program can fully eliminate risk or human error, but a mature approach to cybersecurity can mitigate the risks that pose the most danger to organizational objectives and success.

The next step is conducting a comprehensive cybersecurity program assessment to know at what level of risk you are operating. This type of analysis provides rich insights that can be actioned to increase your security program maturity. This analysis also helps to maximize the use of people, processes and technology to reduce risk and increase efficiencies.

Risk management should be a C-suite priority because it is one of the single most important determinants of business value realization. Risk management is the system by which an organization’s portfolio is directed and controlled.

How can an organization leverage a security maturity model to assess its current infosec position?

A security maturity model can help CISOs measure, communicate and visualize improvements and investments in the security program. There are many different maturity models available to help you measure a security program. One I like is the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), a process improvement maturity model for the development of products and services, developed and published by the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

Using CMMI in combination with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an organization can have one axis measuring people, process and technology and the other axis measuring maturity from nonexistent capability to optimized.

Of course, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach – so security teams must also work with the business to understand what is key to success, and ultimately, growth.

What cybersecurity technologies are you excited about? What can make a difference in this fast-paced threat landscape?

Most organizations are doing some form of tools rationalization or platform consolidation to get a better handle on their investments and reduce overlapping capability and spend. However, there are a few technologies that have caught my eye.

For me, I love seeing how AIOps can help organizations detect, assess and eliminate potential security vulnerabilities — before they are exploited by adversaries or those acting in bad faith. AIOps is starting to transform the way organizations tackle the complex cybersecurity ecosystem.

Innovative organizations, like Cribl, can receive machine data from any source and cleanse and enrich your data before routing it to any logging or SIEM platform, like Splunk, to reduce the total amount of data that needs to be managed. CrowdStrike is enhancing observability through modern log management with LogScale, which is built to ingest and retain streaming data as quickly as it arrives, regardless of volume. Alerts, scripts and dashboards are updated in real-time, and Live Tail and retained data searches have virtually no latency.

What are the biggest challenges the cybersecurity industry will face in the next five years?

Among the biggest challenges are that our adversaries are getting smarter, and they are leveraging much of the same technology that we use to defend ourselves. There is also a wider, and perhaps more concerning, issue around the shortage of skilled resources at a global level. Cybersecurity is one of the most important industries to safeguard our democratic value but more often than not, it’s seen as an overly technical, and therefore, not attractive career. We need to be shining the light on more routes into cyber roles and also accelerating diversity.

One area that’s often overlooked is identifying people within your organization and up-leveling them. Of course, those with earned experience have the hard skills to succeed, but I think an enthusiasm and drive to achieve is just as important. And by prioritizing STEM in early education, we further raise awareness of the field.

World Wide Technology employs thousands of professionals in the STEM fields across the globe and understands the urgency of supporting future tech leaders. WWT annually hosts its STEM Student Forum, an initiative dedicated to educating high school students on the importance of STEM disciplines and the opportunities they present, while also creating positive change in the St. Louis metropolitan area, where WWT’s global headquarters is located.


Jul 18 2022

Virtual CISOs Are the Best Defense Against Accelerating Cyber-Risks

Category: CISO,Information Security,vCISODISC @ 11:17 am
A poor, permanent hire can be a very expensive error, whereas a mis-hire on a virtual CISO can be rapidly corrected.

The cybersecurity challenges that companies are facing today are vast, multidimensional, and rapidly changing. Exacerbating the issue is the relentless evolution of threat actors and their ability to outmaneuver security controls effortlessly.

As technology races forward, companies without a full-time CISO are struggling to keep pace. For many, finding, attracting, retaining, and affording the level of skills and experience needed is out of reach or simply unrealistic. Enter the virtual CISO (vCISO). These on-demand experts provide security insights to companies on an ongoing basis and help ensure that security teams have the resources they need to be successful.

How a vCISO Works
Typically, an engagement with a vCISO is long lasting, but in a fractional delivery model. This is very different from a project-oriented approach that requires a massive investment and results in a stack of deliverables for the internal team to implement and maintain. A vCISO not only helps to form the approach, define the action plan, and set the road map but, importantly, stays engaged throughout the implementation and well into the ongoing management phases.

The best vCISO engagements are long-term contracts, such as 12 to 24 months. Typically, there’s an upfront effort where the vCISO is more engaged in the first few months to establish an understanding, develop a road map, and create a rhythm with the team. Then, their support drops into a regular pace which can range from two to three days per week or five to ten days per month.

What to Expect From a vCISO
When bringing a vCISO on board, it’s important that person has three key attributes: broad and extensive experience in addressing cybersecurity challenges across many industries; business acumen and the ability to rapidly absorb complex business models and strategies; and knowledge of technology solutions and dynamics that can be explored to meet specific organizational needs.

The first thing a vCISO will focus on is prioritization, beginning with understanding a company’s risks. They will then organize actions that provide the greatest positive influence on mitigating these risks while ensuring sustainability in the program. The goal is to establish a security approach that addresses the greatest risks to the business in a way that has staying power and can provide inherent value to additional downstream controls.

Having extensive experience in the technical space, a vCISO can take into consideration the full spectrum of options — those existing within the business environment, established products and services in the marketplace, and new solutions entering the market. Just within that context, a vCISO can collaborate with the technical team to take advantage of existing solutions and identify enhancements that can further capabilities in a cost-efficient manner.

The Value of a vCISO
One of the most common findings is that companies often have a large portfolio of cybersecurity technology, but very little is fully deployed. Additionally, most tech teams are not leveraging all of the capabilities, much less integrating with other systems to get greater value. Virtual CISOs help companies save money by exploiting existing technical investments that dramatically improve security. And, since the improvement is focused on existing tools, the transition for the IT and security staff is virtually eliminated due to established familiarity with the environment.

Another essential value point of a vCISO is access to an informed and well-balanced view on risk and compliance. While cybersecurity is dominated by technical moving parts, the reality is the board, executive leadership, and management team needs to incorporate cyber-risks and related liabilities into the overall scope of risk across the business at an executive level. In this sense, leadership has a vast array of competing challenges, demands, and risks and some can be even more impactful than cybersecurity.

How to Convince the Executive Team
A CEO is under a constant barrage of challenges, problems, risks, and opportunities. Cybersecurity needs to be part of that formula. If one of the core values of having a vCISO is getting meaningful cyber-risk insights, then trust and confidence in that person is paramount and needs to be established from the beginning.

Another challenge is the team dynamic — at the heart of being a CEO is their success as a leader. Introducing what is essentially a consultant can be an adjustment for the team. It’s important that the vCISO hire fits the culture and can easily integrate with everyone on the team including the CIO, CTO, CPO, CRO, etc.

The conversation with the CFO will understandably have a heavy financial tone. For companies debating between a full-time CISO or a vCISO, it’s clear a poor permanent hire can be a very expensive error, whereas a mis-hire on a vCISO can be rapidly corrected.

As organizations continue to come to grips with the byproducts of digitization and new security challenges that often seem insurmountable, a vCISO can be an enormous value. Beyond offering an efficient and cost-effective model, they bring many advantages to businesses with fewer risks than a dedicated resource.

Source: https://www.darkreading.com/careers-and-people/virtual-cisos-are-the-best-defense-against-accelerating-cyber-risks

Ransomware’s Silver Bullet – The Virtual CISO Publication Series: Cybersecurity

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Tags: CISO, vCISO, Virtual CISOs

Mar 13 2022

How the CISO has adapted to protect the hybrid workforce

Category: CISO,vCISODISC @ 9:24 pm

Many organisations have been considering a network transformation initiative to support the adoption of SaaS, cloud-based applications, and an increasingly remote workforce. Given the connectivity needs of a remote workforce – and knowing a hybrid workforce is here to stay – many IT teams have had to make sudden changes in the way workers connect to corporate systems that could introduce new cyber risks and vulnerabilities.  

When developing a security strategy for supporting a hybrid workforce, it is essential to identify risks, as well as any potential blind spots. As CISOs embark on their transformational journeys, identifying these areas of weakness should be the top priority.  Keeping business data safe everywhere is crucial to enabling employees to work anywhere. However, enforcing the same policies consistently from the endpoint, network, web, and cloud requires a new approach.  

Cloud dominance 

For instance, cloud vulnerabilities and misconfigurations continue to be a concern, particularly as the demand for more cloud integration has increased. This has led to CISOs shifting how they approach protecting the corporate perimeter with additional controls and monitoring tools being used to scan any access to the network. Security leaders are beginning to understand that legacy detection tools that would have traditionally been used for data centres, do not extend to the cloud which is why a shift in strategy is required. As a result, identifying and remediating cloud system vulnerabilities and misconfiguration errors is a top priority for the modern CISO when protecting the remote workforce. 

Security landscape requires adaptation 

Keeping up with security threat landscape is another area in which CISOs have had to adapt. Hackers have evolved in their tactics to evade detection while using techniques that require less effort and reap a higher reward. Their end result is to obtain money or steal sensitive data which normally involves ransomware schemes, state-sponsored methods or just nefarious individuals looking to make a name for themselves in the online underworld. Either way, they are more devious and better equipped than 12 months ago. Cybercrime has become commercialised, with many cybercriminals selling their tools, stolen details and ransomware kits across the dark web which is giving easy access for others to replicate and cause more disruption.  

With the ability to launch cyberattacks more quickly with little effort, we are witnessing CISOs and security teams adopting a proactive mindset to cybersecurity. This approach helps to avoid being overwhelmed by the number of threats, especially those targeting workers who are outside the traditional perimeter and are accessing corporate files remotely. 

Those that are not taking a proactive stance are at risk as even the most sophisticated defence strategies will become ineffective if they’re not regularly tested and kept current. While being able to mimic human behaviour with artificial intelligence, hackers are outpacing many organisations when it comes to the technology and hacking techniques used to attack them. 

Other security initiatives to leverage 

The job is never finished when it comes to the cybersecurity of an organisation. This means staying one step ahead of the next potential threat. Looking ahead now means better preparation for the future. Mitigating third-party risk, embedding security into the development process, and defending against ransomware attacks are just a few things that CISOs should be incorporating as part of the future-proofing cybersecurity strategy for a hybrid workforce.  

Key initiatives should include adopting multi-factor authentication, achieving greater response time through automation, and extending Zero Trust to applications.  The rapid adoption of cloud services, IoT, application containers, and other technologies is helping drive organisations forward. However, it also means that security teams must work harder to maintain visibility. To do so, they need to continuously see and catalogue every asset in their environments and accurately determine the security status of their devices. 

In addition to the initiatives mentioned, secure access service edge (SASE) is a framework that CISOs are beginning to embrace as it is a convergence of key security capabilities including software-defined area networking (SD-WAN), Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS), Secure Web Gateway (SWG), Cloud-Access Security Brokers (CASB) and Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA). It supports the organisation’s cloud-based computing environments while providing security professionals the necessary information to secure the digital transformation journey as well as its remote workforce. 

Organisations are feeling a shift in networking and security with the realities of mobile working, particularly as they rapidly adopt and embrace the cloud. With this, CISOs are seeking further efficiency, visibility, and stronger security for their enterprises. SASE and Zero trust implementations can provide more comprehensive security capabilities to support digital transformations. 

Bindu Sundaresan, director at AT&T Cybersecurity 

The Evolving Role of the CISO | Threatpost

Cybersecurity Career Master Plan: Proven techniques and effective tips to help you advance in your cybersecurity career


Nov 03 2021

A ransomware reality check for CISOs

Category: CISO,Ransomware,vCISODISC @ 10:00 pm

The dilemmas organizations must deal with are dizzying:

  • To pay a ransom or not?
  • Will cyber insurance provide adequate shelter?
  • What’s the role of government?
  • Are new mandates and penalties on the horizon?
  • How are adversaries evolving their tactics?

To make sense of it all, let’s first focus on the adversaries and their playbook. Cyber criminals have a well-developed business model and carefully contemplated financial calculus of ransomware. They have determined whether they will launch a direct attack to maximize profits or offer Ransomware-as-a-Service, complete with a help desk and other support services, to supplement their income while enabling malicious actors with less technical skill.

They have researched their victims and targeted organizations based on their ability to pay. All these tactics are developed and executed in concert to make paying the ransom the path of least resistance – financially and logically.

Every aspect of a ransomware campaign is calculated to elicit an emotional response from the target such that it is easier to pay the ransom than to bear the costs and delays of trying to recover on their own.

Let’s start with what we shouldn’t do

Ransomware Protection Playbook

Tags: CISO, ransomware attacks, Ransomware Protection Playbook, vCISO

Oct 25 2021

CISO Interview Series: Investing in Frameworks, Humans, and Your Technical Skills

Category: CISO,vCISODISC @ 7:24 am

The journey for someone to the role of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) isn’t often straightforward. Take Sandy Dunn, for example. Per SailPoint, Sandy started as a paper delivery kid at 10 years old. She then worked her way through software sales, insurance, and even horses before becoming the CISO of a health insurance provider in Idaho.

All these “entry-level” jobs share one thing in common. They gave Sandy the experience to fulfill a CISO’s multifaceted responsibilities. But don’t just take my word for it. Check out my conversation with Sandy below.

“One skill I think every CISO needs is business acumen.”

Joe Pettit: Thanks for taking the time to speak with me today, Sandy. I would love to hear some of your views on the role of the modern CISO. How is it changing, and what are the essential skills that a CISO should have now?

Sandy Dunn: The required skills for a CISO is an interesting question. Every business is different, so really every CISO role will be slightly different with different expectations for where they fit in the organization. One skill I think every CISO needs is business acumen. You need to be able to understand how security fits into that specific business. Having some level of technical skills is important, too. It helps you with effective communication with your cybersecurity team about issues, tools, proposed remediation, and then to be able to explain everything they just told you back to the business or put it into a business context. Technical knowledge will benefit you in understanding the severity of a problem, too (independent of the volume of the voice who is bringing it) and determine if a situation is a one-alarm fire or a five-alarm fire.

“…one of the things I really had to (Read more…)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from The State of Security authored by Joe Pettit. Read the original post at: https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/security-data-protection/ciso-interview-series-investing-in-frameworks-humans-and-your-technical-skills/

The 5 Roles of Leadership: Tools & best practices for personable and effective leaders

Tags: CISO, Fractional CISO, vCISO

Jul 23 2021

Questions that help CISOs and boards have each other’s back

Category: CISO,vCISODISC @ 11:27 am

The ransomware threat posed by organized crime groups is considerable, and its impact can be devastating and threaten the entire business. This makes it imperative for boards to ensure the company has taken necessary cybersecurity precautions to resist the threat. Additionally, executives have seen the value of efficient infosec firsthand over the last eighteen months. The efforts security teams have made to keep businesses safely functioning during a global pandemic have been impressive, if not heroic.

Regardless of why the C-level is focusing on IT infrastructure and strategy, this interest presents an opportunity for security teams. I know this is true because over the last few years F-Secure’s board has been refining how we cooperate to make better decisions about our security posture and risk appetite.

At the core of this process has been the creation of questions we use to make the best use of our time together. When approached holistically and answered honestly, these queries allow us to understand if we are focused on the right things, whether we are achieving our goals, and where our gaps are.

Since we would have benefited by having a list to start with, we’re sharing five of ours now to help other organizations.

Start with the easier ones

Here are the first three questions that I expect board members to ask me whenever they get a chance:

  • What are the key threats against your top assets?
  • How do you protect your assets from cybersecurity threats?
  • Whose responsibility is it to implement protections?

Questions that help CISOs and boards have each other’s back

Chief Information Security Officer

Tags: CISO, CISO implementation guide, Fractional CISO, vCISO

May 28 2021

The evolution of the modern CISO

Category: CISO,vCISODISC @ 2:17 pm

The modern CISO

The role of CISO first emerged as organizations embraced digital revolutions and began relying on new data streams to help inform business decisions. As technology continued to advance and became more complex, so too did threat actors who saw new opportunities to disrupt businesses, by stealing or holding that data hostage for ransom.

As the years have gone by and cyberattacks have become more sophisticated, the role of the CISO has had to advance. The CISO has evolved from being the steward of data to also being a guardian for availability with the emergence of more destructive and disruptive attacks. The CISO also must be highly adaptable and serve as the connective tissue between security, privacy and ultimately, consumer trust.

The changing threat landscape

Previous blogs on CISO & vCISO

Virtual CISO - Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)

Related latest CISO and vCISO titles

Tags: CISO, Fractional CISO, vCISO

Mar 30 2021

Five signs a virtual CISO makes sense for your organization

Category: CISO,Information Security,vCISODISC @ 11:59 am

Here are five signs that a virtual CISO may be right for your organization.

1. You have a lot to protect

Companies produce more data than ever, and keeping track of it all is the first step to securing it. A virtual CISO can identify what data needs to be protected and determine the negative impact that compromised data can have, whether that impact is regulatory, financial or reputational.

2. Your organization is complex

Risk increases with employee count, but there are many additional factors that contribute to an organization’s complexity: the number of departments, offices and geographies; how data is used and shared; the distribution of architecture; and the life cycle of applications, data and the technology stack.

A virtual CISO offers an unbiased, objective view, and can sort out the complexity of a company’s IT architecture, applications and services. They can also determine how plans for the future add complexity, identify and account for the corresponding risk, and recommend security measures that will scale to support future demand.

3. Your attack surface is broad

For many organizations, potential vulnerabilities, especially those that share a great deal of data within the organization, may not be obvious at first glance. Virtual CISOs can identify both internal and external threats, determine their probability and quantify the impact they could have on your organization. And at a more granular level, they can determine if those same threats are applicable to competitors, which can help maintain competitiveness within your market.

4. Your industry is highly regulated

Organizations in regulated industries like healthcare, finance, energy/power and insurance will have data that is more valuable, which could make them a bigger target for bad actors. Exposure is even more of a concern due to potential noncompliance. Virtual CISOs bring a wealth of expertise on regulatory standards. They can implement processes to maintain compliance and offer recommendations based on updates to applicable rules and regulations.

5. Your risk tolerance is low

An organization without a great deal of sensitive data may have a much greater tolerance for risk than a healthcare provider or a bank, but an honest assessment is important in determining how much risk each organization should accept. A virtual CISO can coordinate efforts to examine perceived and actual risk, identify critical vulnerabilities and provide a better picture of risk exposure that can inform future decisions.

Cybersecurity is growing more complex, and organizations of all sizes, especially those in regulated industries, require a proven security specialist who can address the aforementioned challenges and ensure that technology and processes are in place to mitigate security risks.

Tags: auditing CISO compliance, CISO, vCISO

Jul 17 2020

Twitter stepped up search to fill top security job ahead of hack

Search for a chief information security officer

Twitter Inc had stepped up its search for a chief information security officer in recent weeks, two people familiar with the effort told Reuters, before the breach of high-profile accounts on Wednesday raised alarms about the platform’s security. Twitter said hackers had targeted employees with access to its internal systems and “used this access to take control of many highly-visible (including verified) accounts.”

The second and third rounds of hijacked accounts tweeted out messages telling users to send bitcoin to a given address in order to get more back. Publicly available blockchain records show the apparent scammers received more than $100,000 worth of cryptocurrency.

The U.S. House Intelligence Committee was in touch with Twitter regarding the hack, according to a committee official who did not wish to be named.

Source: Twitter stepped up search to fill top security job ahead of hack

Twitter says 130 accounts were targeted in hack


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Tags: bitcoin, blockchain, Chief Information Security Officer, high-profile accounts, hijacked accounts, House Intelligence Committee, Twitter CISO, vCISO, verified accounts

May 22 2020

Consider a Virtual CISO to Meet Your Current Cybersecurity Challenges | GRF CPAs & Advisors

Category: CISODISC @ 1:14 am

By: Melissa Musser, CPA, CITP, CISA, Risk & Advisory Services Principal, and Darren Hulem, IT and Risk Analyst The COVID-19 crisis, with a new reliance on working from home and an overburdened healthcare system, has opened a new door for cybercriminals. New tactics include malicious emails claiming the recipient was exposed COVID-19, to attacks on…Read more ›

Source: Consider a Virtual CISO to Meet Your Current Cybersecurity Challenges | GRF CPAs & Advisors

Small- to medium-sized nonprofits and associations are particularly at risk, and many are now employing an outsourced Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), also known as a Virtual CISO (vCISO), as part of their cybersecurity best practices.

vCISO model not only offers flexibility over time as the organization changes, providers are also able to deliver a wide range of specialized expertise depending on the client’s needs.

The vCISO offers a number of advantages to small- and medium-sized organizations and should be part of every nonprofit’s or association’s risk management practices.

Virtual CISO and Security Advisory – Download a #vCISO template!

Three Keys to CISO Success


Tags: vCISO

May 17 2020

CISO Recruitment: What Are the Hot Skills?

Category: CISODISC @ 11:52 am

CISO/vCISO Recruitment

What are enterprises seeking in their next CISO – a technologist, a business leader or both? Joyce Brocaglia of Alta Associates shares insights on the key qualities

What kinds of CISOs are being replaced? Brocaglia says that an inability to scale and a tactical rather than strategic orientation toward their role are two reasons companies are looking to replace the leaders of their security teams—or place them underneath a more senior cybersecurity executive. They are looking for professionals with broad leadership skills rather than a “one-trick pony.”

Today’s organizations want the CISO to be intimately involved as a strategic partner in digital transformation initiatives being undertaken. This means that their technical expertise must be broader than just cybersecurity, and they must have an understanding of how technology impacts the business—for the better and for the worse. And candidates must be able to explain the company’s security posture to the board and C-suite in language they understand—and make recommendations that reflect an understanding of strategic risk management.

CISOs who came up through the cybersecurity ranks are sometimes at a disadvantage as the CISO role becomes more prominent—and critical to the business. Professionals in this position will do well to broaden their leadership skills and credentials, sooner rather than later.

Source: CISO Recruitment: What Are the Hot Skills?

Interview with Joyce Brocaglia, CEO, Alta Associates

The Benefits of a vCISO

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