Paired longevity solutions in hardware and software
There is a solution to both these issues – durability and security.
Rugged devices are designed specifically for your hardworking enterprise operations. They integrate seamlessly into UEM and MDM platforms, can be trained to only engage with secure networks, and can be geofenced to turn themselves into expensive paperweights if taken off-property.
Rugged devices are not only trusted for their durability and performance, but their security capabilities are also unparalleled when it comes to providing your IT security team with top-down controls over device management and data security.
Their sturdy construction, replaceable shift batteries, and stable software platform ensures that your investment will last for years and will eliminate “down-time” (if used correctly).
What’s more, a survey conducted by Samsung found that employees were not only open to using ruggedized devices, over 90% of respondents currently using rugged tech – and over half of non-user respondents – wanted management to invest more into such devices.
Why enterprises need rugged devices with integrated endpoint management systems