Digital ad company Confiant, which claims to “improve the digital marketing experience” for online advertisers by knowing about and getting rid of malicious and unwanted ads, has just published an analysis of a malvertising group it calls ScamClub.
According to Confiant, this group is behind a massive number of those annoying and scammy popup campaigns you will almost certainly have seen, where you visit an apparently honest web page and then get pestered with online surveys.
We’ve warned our readers many times about the risks of online surveys – even ones that don’t obviously or explicitly lead to attempted malware infections.
At best, you will often end up giving away a surprising amount of personal data, typically in return for a minuscule chance of winning a free product (fancy phones, high-value gift cards and games consoles are typically used as lures).
“ScamClub” gang outed for exploiting iPhone browser bug to spew ads