Cyber security is the protection of systems, networks and data in cyber space.
If your system is connected on the internet, you should know and uderstand the risks of cyber space to take appropriate countermeasures.
To understand the risks of cyber security,The first place is to begin with is a risk assessment. By completing a risk assessment you can understand what the risks, threats and vulnerabilities of your networks, systems and data really are and begin to comprehend how to reduce and handle them. The authors of The Information Security Risk Assessment Toolkit provides handy step-by-step guidance on how to undertake a risk assessment. As we said Security Risk Assessment is an important first to assess risks but the second step of mitigating those risks in timely manner is crucial to protect your information assets.
Once you understand what the risks of your business are, you can then decide on how to mitigate those risks based on your organization risk acceptance.
Tools and techniques which work in mitigating cyber risks
The UK’s Cyber-security Framework for Business (published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills) is a 10-step framework to stop around 80% of today’s cyber-attacks
1. Board-led Information Risk Management Regime
2. Secure Home and Mobile Working
3. User Education and Awareness
4. User privilege management
5. Removable media controls
6. Activity monitoring
7. Secure Configurations
8. Malware protection
9. Network security
10. Incident Management
Build the resilience in your information security management system (ISMS) to cope with the other 20% of the risk.
The authors of Hacking 7 Exposed cover the latest methods used by third-parties to (logical/physical) access to information assets. They then detail how you can protect your systems, networks and data from unauthorised access.
Cybersecurity standards are an important element in building a strong, resilient information and communications infrastructure. ISO/IEC 27001 is the most significant international best practice standard available to any organisation that wants an intelligently organised and structured framework for tackling its cyber risks
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