Users worldwide are not able to access Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp services due to a BGP problems. Users attempting to visit the above services are displaying “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.”
The mobile applications of the social network giant and its Tor hidden services are also not working.
At the time of this writing, it is unclear if the outage is the result of a technical issue or it is the result of a cyber attack against the infrastructure of the social network giant.

FB Apps down report from NYT: Facebook and some of its apps go down simultaneously.
WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Down Globally, Report Users
Facebook is at it again…
In 2018, Facebook was caught selling our personal data to Cambridge Analytica, a data analysis firm.
It’s hard to say who is more evil and manipulative, Facebook or Cambridge Analytica.
If you’re not familiar with the scandal, Facebook collects massive amounts of data about us every day.
Cambridge Analytica used our personal data against ourselves (Facebook clearly does too).
When you’re on Facebook, you see content in your newsfeed.
That content is not there by accident or coincidence.
The Facebook ALGORITHM puts content in your newsfeed that triggers your emotions.
Facebook algorithm supports hateful and polarizing contents
Whistleblower: ☝️ Facebook will lose money if they fix algorithm. And they know it
The more polarizing the content, the more you will read.
The longer you stay on Facebook, the more ads you see and the more money Facebook makes…
Facebook and the Power of Big Data and Greedy Algorithms
Facebook AI Algorithm