Jun 23 2021

Why You Need a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

Category: DRPDISC @ 8:45 am

Assessing IT Disaster Recovery Plans : The Case Of Publicly Listed Firm

All the information technology (IT) literature emphasizes the fact that a properly managed organization should have a well-developed IT disaster recovery plan (DRP) to enable it to continue its operations in the event of a disruption and to be able to survive a disastrous interruption to its information systems. To determine the current status of IT disaster recovery plans in the UAE, this research attempts to answer the following research questions:

1) what is the overall level of disaster preparedness of businesses in the United Arab Emirates?

2) To what extent does your business have a formal and documented disaster recovery plan in place?

3) What is the level of employees’ preparedness and awareness of the existence of the DRB and their role in case of a disaster?

4) The most significant physical and logical risks that pose the most threats to drive the development of the DRB?

5) The extent of the controls in place to mitigate, avoid or transfer risk? and

6) what is the frequency of testing and exercising the DRP? To answer these questions, we surveyed the public companies listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX).

Tags: Disaster Recovery Plan

Aug 08 2017

Cyber Resilience Guidance Standards Kit

Category: BCP,cyber security,DRPDISC @ 4:22 pm

The standards in the Cyber Resilience Guidance Standards Kit provide expert guidance on cyber security and business continuity. These standards will help you build on the guidance of the standards in the Cyber Resilience Core Standards Kit.

The standards included in this kit are:

  • PAS 555:2013:- This Publicly Available Specification (PAS) document from BSI details what good cyber security looks like.
  • ISO/IEC 27031:2011:- ISO/IEC 27031 outlines processes that will help you prevent, detect and manage IT incidents.
  • ISO/IEC 27032:2012:- Provides guidance on improving the state of cyber security.


Why should I buy this kit?

If you have purchased the standards in the Cyber Resilience Core Standards Kit and want to get more expert guidance on ensuring the continuity of your organization in case of a cyber security incident, the standards in this kit are key.

Cyber Security Standards & Books

Tags: Cyber Resilience

Mar 06 2014

Business Downtime and Disaster Recovery

Category: BCP,DRPDISC @ 10:53 pm

Infographic: Business Downtime and Disaster Recovery

The Internet is the largest store of information ever created, and those who can harness its power stand to reap tremendous rewards. However, handling data is also a significant responsibility, and disasters can cause severe problems. Here are a few facts about downtime and how to recover from disasters.
Infographic Disaster Recovery

Causes of Downtime

The most common cause of downtime is UPS battery failure, which is attributable to power failures. Many of these failures begin at the power plant, but some can be created by faulty wiring. Errors are a close second for causing downtime, and cyber attacks and equipment failure trail after them. Most causes of downtime are preventable through better security and better power management.

Effects of Downtime

Downtime has a clear effect on businesses that operate online. Customers cannot place orders when websites are down, and clients cannot rely on services hosted by offline servers. The long-term effects can be even more damaging. Customers may choose to make their purchases elsewhere, and clients may move to a different provider who promises better reliability.

How to Implement a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

The most effective way to deal with disasters is to use servers provided by experts. One option is to purchase a hosted dedicated server that is rated to handle problems gracefully and effectively. Those who choose to host their own servers will want to ensure that data is kept safe through RAID arrays and periodic backups. It is important to ensure that backups are also stored in a remote location where they will not be destroyed by local disasters.

Businesses will also need to ensure that everyone knows what to do when disaster strikes. UPS batteries provide a limited amount of time to respond, but they are worthless if employees don’t know what to do. Automation can help, but there are certain tasks and decisions people will have to make.

Data is the lifeblood of online businesses, and high uptime ratings are essential for keeping customers and clients happy. However, many companies still fail to plan for disasters effectively, and many have been bitten by small mistakes that led to disastrous results. Fortunately, there are a number of options available for handling disasters effectively and preventing greater harm.

Why achieve a Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plan

Feb 07 2014

Why achieve a Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plan

Category: BCP,DRPDISC @ 1:34 pm

What would you do if your systems were hacked or compromised by a virus? How would your IT systems cope in the event of flooding or an explosion?

What if your IT systems simply stopped working?

IT has brought many benefits to business. However, IT failures can seriously damage your ability to deliver products and services, harm your company’s reputation, and jeopardize your relationship with your customers. In short, poorly managed IT problems could threaten the survival of your business.

Create a Survival Plan

If you want to protect your business, you need to put in place a business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR) plan to help your business survive. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, a quick guide for organizations and business managers shows you how to develop a plan that will:

•keep your information safe
•safeguard your company from viruses and phishing scams.
•store data safely, and prevent years of work from being lost by accident.
•ensure your communication links are secure, and keep you connected when disaster strikes
•bomb-proof your data
•protect your data in the event of fire or flood.

Read BCP/DRP practical guide and start building a business survival plan today