May 14 2021

Magecart gang hides PHP-based web shells in favicons

Category: PowerShell SecurityDISC @ 12:07 pm

Magecart cybercrime gang is using favicon to hide malicious PHP web shells used to maintain remote access to inject JavaScript skimmers into online stores.

Magecart hackers are distributing malicious PHP web shells hidden in website favicon to inject JavaScript e-skimmers into online stores and steal payment information.

Researchers from Malwarebytes observed threat actors, likely Magecart Group 12, using this technique in attacks aimed at online stores running on Magento 1 websites.

The web shells employed in the attacks are tracked as Smilodon or Megalodon, they dynamically load JavaScript skimming code via server-side requests into online stores. This technique allows bypassing most client-side security tools.

“While performing a crawl of Magento 1 websites, we detected a new piece of malware disguised as a favicon. The file named Magento.png attempts to pass itself as ‘image/png’ but does not have the proper PNG format for a valid image file.” reads the analysis published by Malwarebytes.

Tags: web shells