Aug 08 2022

What Makes ICS/OT Infrastructure Vulnerable?

Category: OT/ICSDISC @ 10:46 pm
OT Infrastructure Vulnerable
Infrastructure security for operational technologies (OT) and industrial control systems (ICS) varies from IT security in several ways, with the inverse confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) tradeoff being one of the leading causes.
Adopting cybersecurity solutions to protect OT infrastructure is a vital obligation since availability is critical in OT infrastructure. It necessitates a thorough knowledge of ICS operations, security standards/frameworks, and recommended security solutions.
OT security in the past was restricted to guarding the infrastructure using well-known techniques like security officers, biometrics, and fences because ICS/OT systems didn’t connect to the internet.
For ease of operation, every ICS/OT infrastructure currently has internet access or is doing so. However, this transformation exposes these systems to dangers that cannot be avoided by relying just on conventional precautions.

Table of Contents
OT/ICS Security Trends
Vulnerabilities In ICS/OT Infrastructure:
Some of the vulnerabilities are:Authentication-Free Protocols
User Authentication Weakness

Industrial Cybersecurity: Efficiently monitor the cybersecurity posture of your ICS environment

Tags: ICS/OT