Nov 20 2021

Study reveals top 200 most common passwords

Category: Password SecurityDISC @ 9:34 am

Nordpass has published its annual report, titled “Top 200 most common passwords,” on the use of passwords. The report shows that we are still using weak passwords.

The list of passwords was compiled with the support of independent researchers specializing in data breach analysis., the study is based on the analysis of a 4TB database containing passwords across 50 countries.

Most used passwords are still 123456, 123456789, 12345, qwerty, and “password”. Businesses fail to enforce strong passwords, and rarely request employees to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA). 

The report revealed that the most common passwords in 2021 were:

  1. 123456 (103,170,552 hits)
  2. 123456789 (46,027,530 hits)
  3. 12345 (32,955,431 hits)
  4. qwerty (22,317,280 hits)
  5. password (20,958,297 hits)
  6. 12345678 (14,745,771 hits)
  7. 111111 (13,354,149 hits)
  8. 123123 (10,244,398 hits)
  9. 1234567890 (9,646,621 hits)
  10. 1234567 (9,396,813 hits)

Below is the map showing password leaks per capita:

top used passwords

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Tags: most common passwords

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