Geneva, Switzerland, September 2011 – Alan Calder, Chief Executive of IT Governance (ITG), the one-stop shop for information security expertise, is today advising organisations globally to embrace the ISO27001 security management standard, yet warning nobody should be complacent.
Speaking at the United Nations’ Information Security Special Interest Group’s symposium in Geneva, Calder said: “ISO27001 is international best practice for any organisation seeking a structured framework to address cyber risks. ISO27001 has many strengths, including helping organisations secure the right balance of data availability, integrity and confidentiality. A further benefit of ISO27001 is the flexibility to integrate with other management standards. This point is vital – effective cybersecurity depends on establishing a comprehensive and interconnected defence strategy.
“Every organisation should remember, however, that ISO27001 certification does not equate with invincible security. ISO27001, effectively deployed, improves an organisation’s information security and resilience, but new threats are constantly evolving. Defences, therefore, need to evolve, too. There is no room for complacency. ISO27001 rightly expects you to continually reassess your business, risk and compliance environment in line with ‘real-world’ developments.
“There is never a time for complacency in information security. The need to keep strategies under constant review has never been greater. The revolutionary wonders of ‘Web 2.0’ can rapidly turn into ‘Threat 2.0’. The speed and degree of change in the modern business, compliance and security worlds is unprecedented, from new standards and threats to new technologies, such as Google+ and Android telephones. Any technological advance brings new security risks, as hackers immediately start finding ways to burrow in and exploit vulnerabilities. Everyone must be prepared.”
September 25th, 2011 7:02 pm
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September 26th, 2011 3:04 am
basically the internet do have a positive and negative result, because of the real time information and the massive information it can stored, this becomes a source everything that people wanted in just one click. but i guess, the downturn is that, we not able to control the scams and pornography which is the prevalent issue we face today.
November 6th, 2011 7:21 am
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November 12th, 2011 1:07 pm
[…] content and design produced by Niche Blogger II · Powered by WordPress · Log in IT GOVERNANCE PRAISES ISO27001 BUT WARNS AGAINST COMPLACENCY var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); […]