Gain a competitive advantage with ISO 27001
by Neil Ford
We often talk of the operational benefits that conformance to ISO27001’s specifications will bring your organization, from the cost-saving advantages of increased efficiency to the peace of mind that a robust information security management system (ISMS) provides, but it’s important to remember that compliance with the standard also gives you a distinct competitive advantage, and will enable you to win new business as well as retain your existing clients.
Having the edge over your competitors is always beneficial, and when tendering for new contracts you want the best chance of success that you can get. Here’s how ISO27001 can help win you more business:
» ISO27001 is recognized in every country and every market in the world as the mark of highest competency in information security management. Prospective customers recognize this, and will often choose a supplier that holds an ISO27001 certificate over one that doesn’t.
» In the UK, requests for quotations and tender requests from public sector organizations including the MoD, the NHS and local authorities will ask that the supplier be compliant with ISO27001 or, if it is not, demonstrate the required information security measures by completing a long questionnaire or submitting to an inspection. Conformance to ISO27001 saves considerable time and money in the required due diligence of tender applications. (To be accepted by the MoD as an approved Enhanced Learning Credit (ELCAS) training provider, IT Governance Ltd was asked to be fully compliant to ISO27001.)
» ISO27001 itself recommends that compliant organizations maintain supply chain relationships with ISO27001-compliant suppliers. If you are looking to form trading relationships with larger ISO27001-certified commercial enterprises, you will need to be compliant with ISO27001 too.
» In the IT service industry, where the protection of data is paramount to winning and maintaining the trust of customers, an ISO27001 certificate is the only credible demonstrable of effective information security.
The implementation of an ISO27001 ISMS brings numerous recognized long-term benefits for your organization, and will pay for itself several times over in the extra business you win as a result of your certification. IT Governance supplies a wide range of ISO27001 products and services to help you achieve that end.
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