Oct 26 2011

A guide to contract and commercial management for professionals

Category: Vendor AssessmentDISC @ 9:42 pm

Contract and Commercial Management

“Almost 80% of CEOs say that their organization must get better at managing external relationships. According to The Economist, one of the major reasons why so many relationships end in disappointment is that most organizations ‘are not very good at contracting’. This ground-breaking title from leading authority IACCM (International Association for Contract and Commercial Management) represents the collective wisdom and experience of Contract, Legal and Commercial experts from some of the world s leading companies to define how to partner for performance. This practical guidance is designed to support practitioners through the contract lifecycle and to give both supply and buy perspectives, leading to a more consistent approach and language that supports greater efficiency and effectiveness. Within the five phases described in this book (Initiate, Bid, Development, Negotiate and Manage), readers will find invaluable guidance on the whole lifecycle with insights to finance, law and negotiation, together with dispute resolution, change control and risk management. This title is the official IACCM operational guidance and fully supports and aligns with the course modules for Certification.”

This is an Operational Guide. This book is a management guide to contract and commercial management that is both is both practical and straightforward.

Based on the knowledge of contract, legal and commerce professionals, this guide will support you through each phase of the contract lifecycle and help you to take common language and approach that enables a progressive way of working.

In this book you will find the information presented in four sections, these are:
> Bid
> Development
> Negotiate
> Manage

Topics covered in these sections include:
> Risk
> Finance
> Negotiation
> Dispute resolution
> Change control

This title is endorsed by the IACCM (International Association for Contract and Commercial Management) – the association that represents contract and relationship management professionals and organisations.

Key Features and Benefits:

    * A guide to best practice in the world of negotiating contracts and building relationships. This guide will give you the knowledge to take a comprehensive approach to negotiating contracts by using a common language.
    * The methods in this book are based on the experiences of practitioners worldwide, they are also progressive. Whereas some other approaches are adversarial and negative.
    * Endorsed by the IACCM the best practice organisation for contract and relationship management professionals. This proves the quality and relevance of the material

to build commercial relationships get a copy of Contract and Commercial Management

One Response to “A guide to contract and commercial management for professionals”

  1. disc7 says:

    This authoritative guide represents the collective expertise of some the globes most experienced organizations and is specifically designed for business managers to understand the benefits that can be achieved; including:
    •       A complete Reference Guide for all involved with Contract and Commercial management.
    •       Practical guidance and checklists.
    •       Aligns with the IACCM qualification and training.

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