Jun 25 2024

In what situations would a vCISO or CISOaaS service be appropriate?

Category: CISO,vCISOdisc7 @ 11:48 am

A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) service or (CISOaaS) may be appropriate for a variety of scenarios, including:

Your clients, collaborators (partners) and some regulatory requirements anticipate the presence of an individual fulfilling the position of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
  1. Companies without an in-house CISO: Small and medium-sized companies may not have the budget or need for a full-time CISO. A vCISO service can provide these companies with access to a seasoned cybersecurity professional without having to hire a full-time employee.
  1. Companies experiencing rapid growth or change: Companies that are growing quickly or undergoing significant changes, such as mergers or acquisitions, may benefit from the expertise of a vCISO to help them navigate the cybersecurity implications of these changes.
  1. Companies with limited cybersecurity resources: Some companies may have an IT team but lack dedicated cybersecurity resources. A vCISO can help fill this gap by providing strategic guidance and oversight of the company’s cybersecurity program.
  1. Compliance requirements: Companies in regulated industries, such as healthcare or financial services, may require a CISO to meet regulatory requirements. A vCISO can help these companies meet compliance requirements with standards (ISO 27001) and regulations (PCI, HIPAA, NIST CSF, etc.) without having to hire a full-time CISO.
  1. Cybersecurity incident response: In the event of a cybersecurity incident, a vCISO can provide expertise and guidance to help the company respond effectively and minimize the impact of the incident.

Overall, a vCISO service can be a cost-effective way for companies to gain access to the expertise of a seasoned cybersecurity professional without having to hire a full-time employee.


Organizations committed to prioritizing security encounter the difficulty of locating a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) possessing the appropriate skills and knowledge. It becomes necessary for someone to take charge of the security and compliance strategy, but this requirement often surpasses the expertise possessed by operational IT/CIO.

What is CISOaaS?
Chief Information Security Officer-as-a-Service (CISOaaS) provides information security leadership from an appropriate pool of expertise. CISOaaS provides security guidance to senior management and drives the organization’s information security program.

Cert-In issues new guidelines for government bodies, mandates appointment of CISO, Read more at: https://lnkd.in/dKcdHMtP

The benefits of our CISOaaS

  • Gain access to a diverse pool of highly experienced and specialized senior cyber security professionals.
  • Rapidly access valuable resources and eliminate the necessity of retaining talent.
  • Reduce your expenses by paying solely for the necessary support, effectively minimizing costs.
  • Based on CISOaaS being engaged for four days a month annually at current prices. 
  • Based on your requirements, you can hire a vCISO 5-10 hours a week or per month.
  • Mitigate your risk by strengthening your cyber and information strategy through the implementation of a clearly defined roadmap, thereby enhancing your overall security posture.
  • Acquire valuable experience in effectively educating and presenting to board members, and non-technical senior staff across functional diverse backgrounds.
  • Leverage our independent perspective and established credibility to secure comprehensive cross-business support and successfully accomplish your information security objectives.

Deura InfoSec Partners with Ostendio to Streamline Compliance & Security Offerings

  • Strategic Partnership: Ostendio and Deura InfoSec have formed a partnership to enhance compliance and risk management services for Deura InfoSec clients using Ostendio’s GRC platform.
  • Efficiency Gains: Deura InfoSec will leverage Ostendio’s platform to streamline compliance processes, significantly reducing the time clients spend on information security management by up to 50%.
  • Client Benefits: The partnership allows Deura InfoSec to overcome the challenges of fragmented security and simplify the processes and costs of delivering complex cybersecurity programs.


Previous posts on vCISO/CISO

CISO Conversations: The Role of the vCISO

Cybersecurity: The CISO’s View

We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help and we’re always looking for ways to improve our services. You can reach us by email (info@deurainfosec.com), or through our website’s contact form.

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Tags: CISOaaS, FractionalCISO, GRC, Ostendio, vCISO

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